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Streamlining TPECS Certification: Key Updates and the New Surveillance Cycle



In March 2024, we introduced a significant update to the TPECS Certification Requirements. These updates were designed to:

  • Enhance the robustness of the certification program without adding unnecessary administrative burden.
  • Streamline and consolidate requirements for greater efficiency.
  • Improve clarity across all aspects of the certification process.

The latest version, TPECS Administration Requirements (TCD02) Edition 18.1, reflects these enhancements.

Key Changes: Surveillance Requirements Redesign

To strengthen the scheme, we introduced a redesigned surveillance process based on a three-year activity cycle. This cycle includes both annual and periodic requirements, tailored to where the training provider is within their certification timeline.

Here’s a quick example of how it works:

  • Year 0 (2024): Achieve initial TPECS Certification.
  • Year 1 (2025): Complete the Annual Surveillance Requirements.
  • Year 2 (2026): Complete the Annual Surveillance + Year 2 Requirements.
  • Year 3 (2027): Complete the Annual Surveillance + Year 3 Requirements.
  • Year 4 (2028): The cycle resets to Annual Surveillance, followed by Years 2 and 3 in subsequent years.

You will not need to track your progress manually. An Exemplar Global Evaluator will contact you one month before your Approval Date anniversary to provide guidance and request necessary information. Outreach will begin in January for training providers with an initial Approval Date in February.

Surveillance Activities Guide

For a detailed breakdown of the schedule and activities, refer to the Exemplar Global Training Certification – Surveillance Requirements (TCD87).

No Additional Costs or In-Person Requirements

Good news: There are no additional costs for Surveillance activities, and all requirements can be completed remotely. However, we’re always happy to meet with you if you have questions or need clarification.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, feel free to contact us.

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