Important update for our TPECS community:Edition 18 of the Administrative Requirements (TCD02) has been published. Read on for a quick overview of the improvements and updates.
Taking inspiration from the feedback provided by our community of TPECS-certified training providers, changes in the way that training and examinations are administered around the world, and our continuing desire to produce a certification scheme that matters in the global training community, Exemplar Global has published Edition 18 of the TPECS Administration Requirements (TCD02).
The update was undertaken with these goals in mind:
1. Improve the robustness of the certification program without adding undue administrative burden.
As a product, the TPECS Certification scheme is more popular than ever before. It continues to find ways of offering value to a community of training providers spread over an ever-increasing geographical area. To adapt to the challenges that this brings, Exemplar Global has added certification requirements throughout the document to ensure that the TPECS program continues to be consistently implemented and well-controlled in this changing landscape. Examples of where these additional requirements have been added include*:
- ‘Conditions for Use of the Exemplar Global Certification Symbols’ (Page 5)
- ‘Certificate of Attainment’ (Page 8)
- ‘Certificate of Attendance’ (Page 9)
- ‘Notification of Candidates to Exemplar Global’ (Page 9)
- ‘Candidate Records’ (Page 11)
- ‘Record of Review and Improvement’ (Page 11)
*Note: This is not an exhaustive list; changes have been made throughout the document, so please take a little time to familiarise yourself with Ed18.
Another change worth highlighting is the changes made to Surveillance Requirements. These requirements have been amended to include a broader range of inputs and to operate over a three-year revolving cycle. These requirements have been documented in a new document: Training Certification Surveillance Activities (TCD87).
2. Consolidation of the requirements.
Recent editions of the TPECS Certification Requirements have been spread across three separate documents: the ‘TPECS Certification Requirements’, the ‘Satellite Offices and Marketing Partners Requirements’, and the ‘Electronic and Online Training Requirements’ (TCD02, TCD03 and TCD04, respectively). To simplify the approach, TCD03 and TCD04 have been retired, and their requirements have been updated and incorporated into the main document (TCD02).
3. Improve clarity of the requirements.
Each requirement within the TCD02 document has been rewritten to improve clarity. Look out for ‘Guidance Notes’ and ‘Examples’ of implementation included throughout the document, particularly in those areas that providers usually have challenges with. These items aim to provide additional clarification or convey the underlying intention of the certification requirement.
4. Improve the flow of the document.
The document’s sequencing follows that of the initial Application Process. This change is intended to assist new applicants in understanding and moving through the various stages of the certification process. Document navigation aids and improved headings and layouts have been added to help all interested parties with overall navigation and ease of use.
Exemplar Global realises that incorporating these changes into your training management process(es) takes time. In recognition of this, Exemplar Global is developing a transition timeline to guide the transition to the new requirements that balances this understanding with the needs of the market and Exemplar Global.