You may know us as RABQSA, but we became Exemplar Global some time ago to highlight the world-class, globally recognized value of our certifications. While our name has changed, our commitment to the auditing profession hasn’t. We began offering quality certifications in the United States and Australia in 1989. RABQSA was created in 2004 from the merger of the personnel certification activities of the U.S Registrar Accreditation Board (RAB) with the Australia-based Quality Society of Australasia (QSA). We changed our name from RABQSA to Exemplar Global in 2014 to reflect the world-class global nature of our certifications.
We are no longer using the RABQSA name, and we have made and continue to make significant investments promote the Exemplar Global brand. This investment benefits you when you use our name to promote your certification. As an Exemplar Global certified professional, you have the right to use our name to promote your certified status. By using the Exemplar Global name, you are aligning yourself with a globally recognized brand and demonstrating that you are a competent and knowledgeable professional. To receive the recognition you deserve it’s important that you use the right name. If you’re still using RABQSA in your LinkedIn profile, on your business card, in your email signature, or anywhere else, please update it to reflect your Exemplar Global certification. Doing so will maximize the value of your certification and your global credibility.
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