By Christian Thornton
Here we are, more than a month into 2025, and iNARTE’s year is off to a fast start. In the coming months, using our bi-monthly newsletter as well as social media, we plan to share lots of information about events, programs, news, and other professional development opportunities.
Those of you who are part of the iNARTE community—the engineers, technicians, and other professionals who make telecommunications function safely and effectively—have a wealth of knowledge to share with your colleagues. For this reason, I want to encourage you to take an active role in the future of our industry through your participation in some of our forthcoming initiatives.
There are a number of ways that you can get more involved with iNARTE. Here are a few just off the top of my head:
iNARTE is truly your organization. We only achieve our maximum strength and effectiveness when you, the members of our community, participate in charting our future course.
Want to learn more? Contact us to find out what you can do to get further involved with iNARTE.
Search our FAQs:
Our FAQs page can answer some of the most common questions, just click a topic below:
Fees, Certificates, ID Cards, Payment
Still can't find the information you need? Visit our contact us page to get in touch.