Standards like ISO 9001:2015 are now being written to account for the dynamics of a broader range of organization types. To accommodate these varying types of circumstances, these standards have moved to a more open format and in many cases include requirements that would be seen as indirect. This means the requirement does not specifically state the evidence that is required and leaves this open for the organization to interpret and determine the approach they will employ. This also means that auditors will need to have a broader understanding of how to recognize the varying approaches they may encounter and how to assess these approaches for the sake of reaching an effective conclusion.
This session will look at examples of both direct and indirect requirements with ISO 9001:2015 as the point of reference. Using a technique called performance-based auditing, we will develop an understanding of the difference between the way a process flows and the way an auditor can look at it to assess the effectiveness of that process and deal with the indirect requirements they may encounter.