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Future of Quality Professionals to Succeed



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Predicting the future of quality in an ever-changing world can be challenging, but ASQ, the American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC) and the International Academy for Quality (IAQ) teamed up to complete several research studies in 2016 to gauge professional opinions on the future of quality. The first phase was comprised of two focus groups from ASQ and IAQ, in which 50 people participated in an open discussion about quality topics. A follow up survey was sent out to members of ASQ, IAQ and current quality leaders and professionals. The survey was sent to 222 people, 12.5 percent of which participated and answered questions posed to the open forum focus groups in the previous study. Topics discussed include the definition of quality, quality tools, global applications for quality, the impact of technology on quality, quality training and education, data analysis and quality management systems. One topic echoed by many of the participants was the need to include management at the executive level in the quality process rather than have quality projects be siphoned off to special project departments. Most respondents also believed that quality professionals must continue to hone their knowledge and skills to adapt to future changes in the world of quality. We will discuss some of the key business changes over the next 10 years and what quality professional skill gaps were indicated. The intention is to help individuals shape their skills to be prepared for the future.

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