The EMC practice exams contain a sample of actual test questions from our examination pool. This practice exam is designed to give applicants a real-time sampling of actual exam questions using the same electronic formats now available for all exams. The practice exam can be taken 24 hours a day 7 days a week once you receive the code. Upon completion of the practice exam you will be given a score to help you gauge if more practice is needed. Be sure to note your score as you do not get continued access to the questions. The exam is meant to be a marker for if you are ready to take the exam, it is not a study guide.
The cost of the exam is $39.99 and this fee is nonrefundable.
The test codes are typically emailed within 24 hours of purchase if application is submitted during regular business hours. Please note that emails will be sent directly from “Fasttest web,” so be sure to check your SPAM folder if the code does not appear.
There are two versions of each practice exam. If you have already taken one version and would like more practice, please choose the version you have not already taken.
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