When discussing an integrated management system (IMS), most organizations want to conduct an integrated audit because it reduces the audit time. An integrated audit can only be conducted on a management system that is “integrated” by auditors who are capable of assessing at least two management systems. When auditing an integrated management system, auditors can conduct integrated document reviews, audit planning, interviews, corrective action and closeouts, that support an efficient and effective auditing process.
Using an “integrated approach” across all audit criteria will help the organizations gain efficiencies that may not be achieved by auditing individual management systems. This presentation discusses how audit time can be reduced in an integrated management system by “effective” sampling of a common process for quality, environmental, health and safety, and food safety management systems. It also discusses on how to use internal audits as a management tool for improving the effectiveness of the system as well as the economics of a business.
This session will be presented by Praburam Seshadri, principal consultant and technical head at Omnex Inc.