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Auditing Communication in Virtual Corporations



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The global supply chain includes corporations, small businesses to single subject matter experts SME’s in the world market. Forever changing the institution of work, growing numbers find themselves connecting early to the internet—working through the day to early evenings resolving issues with global virtual team members. Telecommuters, remote workers, and multi-business supply chains are experiencing different communication issues than their processor co-located workforce. Issues largely contributed to lack of technical training, inaccessible, and/or obsolete documents, and miscommunication. Will a co-located auditor focused at a single location ask the questions concerning the exchange of dialogue with external parties? Does ISO 9001:2015 go far enough to address global supply chain communication issues?

In this session the following objectives will be discussed:

  • How to define the organizational context for a global supply chain and apply it to communication.
  • Common communication issues often missed by co-located auditors, but found in eAudits.
  • How to apply the new ISO 9001:2015 communication requirements to a global supply chain and what co-located auditors should be asking.

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