Exemplar Global recently updated its certification requirements. As part of these updates, we have changed our certification grade structure. Please review the information below to understand how these changes affect the status of your Exemplar Global certification.
Changes to Grades
We are eliminating the Provisional, Associate, and Principal Auditor grades. We now offer the following grades:
Provisional and Associate grades will automatically be upgraded to the Auditor grade. Principal Auditors may remain at the Principal grade or choose to move to the Auditor or Lead Auditor grade based upon their ability to meet the grade requirements.
Please note: Fees will not change for Provisional or Associate auditors who have transitioned to the Auditor grade until their next annual fee is due. Upon payment of your next annual fee, your fee will increase to the Auditor grade. Fees for Principal Auditors will not change unless they choose to move to the Auditor grade, in which case the fees will decrease.
Changes to Competency-Based Certification Program
Because we have removed the requirement to submit audit experience for new applications and upon recertification, this has removed the need for our competency-based certification program for most of our certification schemes. Therefore, we have merged our qualification-based and competency-based certification programs except for the Australia-based Western Australia HVA, National HVA, and NFSA schemes.
What This Means for Skill Examiners
Because we are significantly reducing the number of certifications in our competency-based program, there will be a significant reduction in the number of witnessed audits requiring a certified skill examiner. However, there will still be a need for skill examiners for our remaining competency-based certifications. In addition, there are other options for certified skill examiners through certification bodies.
When Do These Changes Occur?
These changes will take effect on Monday 18th November EST.
What This Means for You
We will automatically transition you to the proper grade(s) and certification program so you will not need to take any action.
We’re here to help. Please let us know if you have any questions about these changes. Email us at info@exemplarglobal.org or contact any one of our principal offices below:
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