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Why does the expiry date on my certificate reflect only one year?



Exemplar Global offers two basic types of certification. These are a management systems certification, which are certifications based on an ISO standard (such as ISO 9001) and industry certification. Industry certification is based on specific requirements set by an organization outside Exemplar Global, such as the Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI) or a state or federal government (e.g. the Western Australia Heavy Vehicle Auditor scheme).

If you are certified to one of our management systems schemes (such as QMS, EMS, OHS, etc.), your certification is now continuous. This means it will not expire provided you continue to pay your fees, adhere to our code of conduct, and complete any required assessments such as the Work Style Assessment and any required transition assessments. However, even though it is a continuous certification, it will show an annual expiration date.

If you are certified to one of our industry schemes, your certification expiration date will vary by scheme and by the term of certification you have selected, such as one or four years.

Ready to get certified? Register & Apply for your certification on

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