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How can I create an awesome profile on Exemplar LINK that stands out?



A strong profile on Exemplar LINK will enable you to strengthen your connections with our community. In turn, this will help you open new doors to an array of employment, business and networking opportunities.

Use the following steps to create an awesome profile that will help you stand out:

  1. Upload your current resume. Don’t make it too long, no more than four pages.
  2. Add a short bio about you. Make it punchy and to the point to entice our community to engage with you.
  3. Upload a profile pic. It gives you a ‘face’ to our community.
  4. Include your LinkedIn profile. It gives our community another communication touchpoint with you.
  5. Adjust your privacy settings to ensure your preferred contact details are accessible to organizations and businesses who are keen to connect with you.

Most importantly, when building your profile, remember – the more detail, the better.

If you need help making your profile more engaging, get in touch with us at

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