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A Message from the President and CEO June 2019



Our third annual Online Auditor Expo is currently in full swing. The great thing about this event is that it is virtual. You can watch and listen to as much or as little as you want over one or many sessions, from anywhere in the world with internet access, at any time of the day. Each year the event seems to get better and so it seems again this year. We have some wonderful speakers and I would like to thank them all for their time and work to pull the event together. I would also like to thank our sponsor, Auditor Training Online. Their support has been fantastic and I would encourage everyone to take a look at Auditor Training Online’s website to view the range of training available.

Most of all however, I would like to thank all of those of you who have joined the Online Auditor Expo. The Online Auditor Expo has been put together for you and your attendance makes it all worthwhile. We would really appreciate your feedback on the event so we can continue to improve each year. Let us know what worked, what didn’t, and what ideas you have for what we can do differently or better. You can share your thoughts by completing a brief survey. Any feedback is welcome.

The Online Auditor Expo will be open until the end of June. It’s not too late to register to access the event. Registration is free for Exemplar Global certified professionals. Please contact Jane at to request your free registration link.

Attending the Online Auditor Expo is a wonderful opportunity to earn valuable continuing professional development credits. Certificates of attendance can be purchased for each session that you can use as proof of professional development.


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