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A Message from the President and CEO February 2021



Happy New Year! On behalf of the team at Exemplar Global, we hope you have a safe and prosperous 2021.

As we enter the new year, we reflect on the impact Exemplar Global is having in the international conformity industry. We now provide support and services to corporates, associations, and individuals in 74 countries in every region of the globe. All are welcome to join our worldwide community to continue your development, enhance your business or individual professionalism, or simply engage with thousands of others who share your professional and industry interests. We are dedicated to making this industry viable and strong. We will be so much more impactful together.

As demonstration of this dedication, you have heard me discuss new products and services that we are developing at Exemplar Global. I am delighted to share that these are now coming to fruition. First, of which are our new digital badges (please see below example). Digital badges are not intended to replace traditional personal certifications, but complement them in a form that conveys much more information. So far, we have awarded several thousand digital badges and we have been delighted with the uptake and have enjoyed seeing you sharing your achievements on social media.

Digital badges can also be earned for more activities than just personnel certification—such as Experience, Learning, Validation, and Certification. The beauty of digital badges is that they contain much more information than can be accommodated in traditional certificates. For example, if you “hover over” one with your mouse, you will see the metadata background of the digital badge, including details of the achievement and what was involved in earning it.

Once awarded, digital badges are also reflected in each customer’s profile in Exemplar LINK and can be used to promote your achievements via LinkedIn and other social media. For our customers who are certified, you will have seen these notifications and may have wondered what they are. They are legitimate, unique to you, and are verifiable. We encourage everyone to accept their digital badges and share your achievements with others. In future, look out for more opportunities to gain more digital badges as you build your experience and careers.

This is only one initiative that reflects our intention to become a truly customer-centric and technology-enabled organization. Our goal is to better serve our global customers in this increasingly virtual world.   


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